Recently I have been paying more attention to the fit and proportion of my clothes. This is partly due to the fact that I have picked up a few pounds around the middle and am feeling self-conscious about it. Until I can motivate myself to increase my level of exercise, I certainly don't want my clothes adding any more weight to my silhouette! I have also been following a blog by Alexandra, a couturier as well as a knitter on Ravelry, and have been inspired by her fastidious approach to ensuring that her garments fit properly. For me, Alexandra's pride in her craft reminds me of my Grandmother who is also obsessive about craftsmanship and fit. My grandmother taught me to knit and sew and she did her best to instill this same pride in me, but over the years I have often let my standards slide.
So, in the hopes of rectifying at least one instance of this I focused on the Marion Foale-inspired jacket I knit two years ago.
As you can see above, there is an excess of fabric in the back (and the front) making what is supposed to be a fitted jacket look very sloppy.
I decided the solution to this problem was to knit a two-button half belt for the back. (BTW, I had to search the internet to discover the technical name for this little item.)
I don't think I quite captured the vast improvement in fit in the picture above, but in fact the jacket hangs much better and has a closer fit. I am hopeful that I will feel more confident about my silhouette when I wear this in the future.
Meanwhile, I am continuing to work away on my brother's Dale of Norway sweater. Here is a sneak peek at the back yoke:
Happy knitting to all!
So, in the hopes of rectifying at least one instance of this I focused on the Marion Foale-inspired jacket I knit two years ago.
As you can see above, there is an excess of fabric in the back (and the front) making what is supposed to be a fitted jacket look very sloppy.
I don't think I quite captured the vast improvement in fit in the picture above, but in fact the jacket hangs much better and has a closer fit. I am hopeful that I will feel more confident about my silhouette when I wear this in the future.
Meanwhile, I am continuing to work away on my brother's Dale of Norway sweater. Here is a sneak peek at the back yoke:
Happy knitting to all!