As a child psychologist I use knitting as my own therapy to work out the tensions (no pun intended) of the day. I am currently working on two Poetry in Stitches sweaters.
"Two?" you may ask. It's not that I'm an over-achiever, it's that I got bogged down on the first one (the cardigan in the navy leaf and vine pattern on an olive green background), so I decided the best way to motivate myself would be to start on another pattern.
("Hmmm, perfectly logical," you might say).
In fact, the strategy is working so far. The second project is the Poetry Cardigan in blue. I was so eager to begin I impulsively purchased Rowan cotton glace yarn as a substitute. This forced me to engage in some complicated math (never my strong suit) in order to determine the number of yarn balls needed. I'm hoping my calculations were correct as the dye lot has now sold out.
I will post pictures of each sweater in the current states as soon as I figure out how to do so. (I am a neophyte blogger.)